Receipt Bank is now Dext

Dext provides automated accounting solutions

Simplifying tasks for accountants, bookkeepers, and businesses

Trusted tools for accurate data, efficiency, and productivity

Why Dext?

Dext is the new name for our company. And Dext Prepare is the new name for Receipt Bank. We make accountants, and the businesses you advise, more productive, profitable and powerful with better data and insight.

Get financial data in real-time

Fetch financial data automatically; use our smart tools to analyse tax, payment timing and talk to your clients about cashflow, all in real time. Your Receipt Bank account is now your Dext account, and it works with everyone – integrating and auto-publishing to your choice of accounting software.

Accurate extraction

Extract every line of data with market leading accuracy, sort it by supplier and store it safely for you and your clients to access.

Supplier Rules

Automatically code and categorise costs by setting up supplier rules. Save time and tax deductibles automatically.


Real-time accounting through a live connection to your business bank account, matching costs with paperwork.

Request Paperwork

Cut out the paperchase by sending requests on outstanding paperwork direct to your client’s mobile app; get quicker responses on document queries with in-app chat.

Streamline invoices

Pull invoices from 1,400 suppliers, automatically categorise documents and enable each line item to be labelled individually.

Pain-free payments

Smartly split tax payable and reclaimable expenses on a single document.

Information in an instant

Your clients can stay up to date with one tap. They just snap the receipt, and we extract. All you need to do is review and publish to your software.

Dext Prepare works with all major accounting software, meaning you can work
with any client.