These terms were last updated 15th October 2024.
In this Agreement the following expressions shall have the following meanings:
“ACPM”: | means annual pay monthly; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Add-On”: | means additional products from Dext including but not limited to Line Item Extraction; Boost, Bank Statement Extraction and additional Authorised Users; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Agreement”: | means the Agreement, as described above and formed in accordance with clause 1.4 of Schedule 1; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“API”: | means an Application Programming Interface, either between Dext Products or a Dext Product and a third-party product; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Audit Conditions”: | means the terms and conditions as updated from time to time pertinent to You (or a third party authorised by You) auditing Us, as currently described in clause 10.11 of Schedule 1 ; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Authorised Users”: |
“Bank Statement Extraction”: | means the optical character recognition data extraction tool that extracts data from bank statements and makes it available to download in a range of formats that are compatible with different accounting software; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Boost”: | means the tool You can use to speed up the processing of all submitted items currently in the 'In Processing' sections of Dext Prepare for the sales or costs workspace; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Bundle”: | means the number of Licences that a Dext Product is sold in; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Client”: | means You and Your Authorised Users as users of the Dext Products, if You are a business owner who is not a Partner; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Confidential Information”: | means any information, however conveyed or presented that relates to the business, affairs, operations, customers, processes, budgets, pricing policies, product information, strategies, developments, trade secrets, know-how, personnel and suppliers of the disclosing party, together with all information derived by the receiving party from any such information and any other information clearly designated by the party as being confidential to it (whether or not it is marked “confidential information”), or which ought reasonably be considered to be confidential. Confidential information shall not however, include any anonymised or aggregated data or information that We may create or derive from observing how You use the Dext Products; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Customer Data”: | means any of the data owned by (i) You, if You are a Client, or by (ii) Your Permitted Users if You are a Partner and in each case which is provided to Us or inputted to the Dext Products in connection with this Agreement (including by Us on Your behalf); | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Dext Commerce”: | means the data aggregation platform offered by Greenback Inc., a member of Our group of companies. This product may be sold by Us but is on and subject to the terms and conditions found at the following link (the “Greenback Terms”), as may be updated or amended from time to time. To the extent that there is a conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and the Greenback Terms, the former shall prevail; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Dext Solo”: | means the product offered by Us which allows Partners to support clients with income tax self-assessment. For more information on Dext Solo please click on the following link: , as may be updated or amended from time to time; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Dext Precision”: | means the data cleansing tools offered by Us to Partners. For more information on Dext Precision please click on the following link:, as may be updated or amended from time to time. Dext Precision is only available in certain jurisdictions; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Dext Prepare”: | means the data extraction, automation and categorisation tools offered by Us. For more information on Dext Prepare please click on the following link:, as may be updated or amended from time to time; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Dext Product(s)”: | means the product or service provided by Us to You, including Dext Prepare, Dext Precision, Dext Commerce, Dext Solo, Professional Services, Add-Ons and Functional Features, and (ii) the level of access granted by Us to You to those products, as described in the relevant Order Confirmation(s). Where multiple Dext Products are purchased the definition shall apply to multiple Dext Products; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Documentation”: | means documents or online help (provided in any media) relating to the Dext Products which may be updated from time to time including but not limited to that made available (i) online at , or to (ii) You by Us via email; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Downgrade”: | means a change to Your Package that leads to a reduction in Fees; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Event of Insolvency”: | means the situation in which a party becomes insolvent, has an insolvency practitioner appointed over the whole or any part of its assets, enters into any compound with creditors, or has an order made or resolution for it to be wound up (otherwise than in the furtherance of a scheme for solvent amalgamation or reconstruction), or an analogous event occurs in respect of a party in any jurisdiction to which that party is subject; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Fair Use Policy”: | means the fair use policy which We may update from time to time, which is currently available here: Fair Use Policy ; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Fees”: | means the fee(s) specified in an Order Confirmation and any other fees, charges costs and expenses paid or payable under this Agreement by You as may be amended from time to time by Us in accordance with these Terms and Conditions; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Further Term”: | means (i) if You pay for Your Package on a monthly basis, subsequent one-month periods; (ii) if You pay for Your Package on an annual or an ACPM basis, subsequent 12-month periods; or (iii) if You are on a multi-year deal, for subsequent 12-month periods, in each case starting at the end of the Initial Term or, to the extent applicable, such other date as specified in the Order Confirmation; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Functional Features”: | means the following additional features: “Bank Service”; “Feed Service”; “Fetch Service” and “Invoice Fetch”, which can be turned on and off by You and are consumed and offered in conjunction with certain Dext Products as described in further detail in Schedule 2; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“General Terms and Conditions”: | means these terms and conditions, including Schedules 1 and 2 and all terms embedded in the links referenced herein which shall be given effect to as though they were set out in the body of this Agreement; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“HMRC”: | means His Majesty’s Revenue and Custom; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Initial Term”: | means (i) if You pay for Your Package on a monthly basis, a one-month period; (ii) if You pay for Your Package on an annual or ACPM basis, a 12-month period; and (iii) if You are on a multi-year deal, the period set out in Your Order Confirmation, in each case starting on the Start Date or, to the extent applicable, such other date as specified in the Order Confirmation; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Intellectual Property Rights”: | means all intellectual and industrial property rights, including patents, trademarks, logos, brand, company names, rights in databases, rights in designs, inventions, discoveries, know-how and copyrights (including rights in computer software) (whether or not any of these is registered and including applications for registration of any such thing) and all rights or forms of protection of a similar nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of these which may subsist anywhere in the world; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Line Item Extraction”: | means the tool which extracts each of the individual purchases that are listed in receipts, bills and invoices; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Licence Term”: | means the Initial Term plus any applicable Further Term; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Licence”: | means the permission granted to the Licensee to use the Dext Products on the terms of this Agreement during the Licence Term or any Trial; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Licensee”: | means You and/or Your Permitted Users; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Limits”: | means any usage restriction applicable to the Dext Products (or part thereof), as set out in an Order Confirmation or otherwise notified to You from time to time including by way of email; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Local Entity”: | means the party identified in the table below, based on Your jurisdiction, or if not identified, Dext Software Limited: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Notice”: | means notice given in accordance with clause 10.10 of Schedule 1. For the avoidance of any doubt, the obligation to notify as used throughout this Agreement is an obligation to provide Notice, unless expressly stated to the contrary; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Order Confirmation(s)”: | means each order confirmation specifying the Dext Products to be supplied under this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, an order (or anything synonymous with the same) pertaining to the Dext Products and either (i) sent by email to You outlining the order that You have confirmed, or (ii) signed by both Us and You will be considered an Order Confirmation for the purposes of this Agreement. We and You acknowledge that Order Confirmations prepared by Us and sent by email to You do not require signature; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Package”: | means some combination of Dext Product(s) sold in Bundles for the price(s) and term set out, agreed and confirmed in an Order Confirmation; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Partner”: | means You and Your Authorised Users, where You are an accountancy or bookkeeping firm; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Permitted Users”: |
“Professional Services”: | means the consultancy services specified in an applicable Order Confirmation and may include, but not be limited to, training and marketing and team productivity advice and support and or general IT consultancy services, it being acknowledged by both parties that these consultancy services may be further detailed in a separate agreement between Us and You from time to time or any other professional services to be provided by Us as set out in an Order Confirmation; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Start Date”: | has the meaning set out clause 1.4 of Schedule 1; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Trial Period”: | means the limited time period during which We shall provide the relevant Dext Products as part of a Trial, as set out in an Order Confirmation; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Trial”: | means, upon Your request, Us providing You with access to the relevant Dext Products with either limited functionality or for a Trial Period so that You can trial, demo or pilot those Dext Product(s) to determine if they meet Your requirements or before determining if You wish to purchase a Licence for any of those Dext Product(s). The relevant Dext Products will be provided as described in clause 1 of Schedule 2 as set out in an Order Confirmation; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Upgrade”: | means a change in Your Package that leads to an increase in Your Fees; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“We (Dext, Us, Our)”: | means Your Local Entity; if you purchase your Dext Products as a Partner, and Dext Software Limited otherwise (as confirmed in your invoice); and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
“You (Your)”: | means the customer as set out in the relevant Order Confirmation, being either a Partner or a Client. |
“Connected Bank” | means a bank or building society from which You have Authorised Us and/or Our Bank Service feature Authorised Partner to fetch bank statements and/or obtain a feed of Your bank account data on Your behalf. |
“Bank Service” | means the service operated by Dext which enables You to extract bank statements and/or to obtain a feed of Your bank account data from a Connected Bank. |
“Bank Service Feature Authorised Partner” | means the authorised third party (authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK or any equivalent regulator in other jurisdictions) We use to access Your account with a Connected Bank in order to provide the “Bank Service” feature. |
“Supported Bank” | means those banks, as may be added to or varied from time to time, from which the Service is capable of fetching bank statements and/or obtaining a feed of Your bank account data. The current list of Supported Banks in Your jurisdictions can be provided upon request. |
“User Credentials” | means any username, password and/or other service-specific identifier(s) You provide to Us and/or Our Bank Service feature Authorised Partner for the purpose of enabling Us to provide the Service. |
“Connected Supplier” | a third-party supplier from which You have authorised Our Fetch Partner to fetch Documents on Your behalf. |
“Documents” | means bills, invoices and statements (as applicable) issued to You by third party suppliers with which You have contracted. |
"Fetch Partner" | the third party We use to access Your account with a Connected Supplier and fetch Documents on Your behalf. |
"Fetch Service" | means either the invoice fetch feature, or the bank fetch feature (each of which are for Australian customers only), operated by Dext which enables You to fetch Documents from Connected Suppliers. |
"Supported Supplier" | means those third-party suppliers, as may be added to or varied from time to time, from which the Fetch Service is capable of fetching Documents. |
"User Credentials" | means any username, password and/or other service-specific identifiers You provide to Our Fetch Partner for the purpose of accessing Your account with a Connected Supplier and fetching Documents. |
"You" | means You, the user of the Fetch Service. |
For previous versions of our Terms and Conditions, please refer to the relevant period below: