Practice productivity tools to keep your team in control

More clients bring new challenges. As your practice grows, you might eventually be juggling dozens, even hundreds of clients. Your team gets bigger, your inbox swells, and things start to feel out of control. But not with Dext. Dext scales with you, and helps you work efficiently, client by client.

How Dext ensures
practice productivity

1. Visibility of your clients

Dext gives you full visibility of your entire client portfolio in a single view. See everything you need to put you and your team in control with a clear breakdown of client metrics, like how they submit and when they submit items. This is your starting point for practice productivity.

2. Oversight of your team

Dext provides an easy way for you to view the status of all your ongoing bookkeeping work. Understand what your team is working on – regardless of office or location – what’s complete, what’s in progress, who’s assigned, and who’s reviewing what. When you know all this, you can plan and scope out work far more effectively.

3. Automation that scales with you

Dext allows you to automate daily bookkeeping tasks across your practice, helping your team make the best use of their time. Our automation drives efficiency, which you can dial up when you need to. Managing more clients? Save time with auto-categorise. Increasing headcount? Make onboarding simple with shared workflows.

Manage your firm’s productivity
across every client at every step

Stay ahead of deadlines

More clients means more deadlines. And even more reason for you to ensure your records are on time, accurate and complete. Dext helps you capture better information from each client, but we also help you see and manage your whole client portfolio. Stay on top of data. Stay ahead of deadlines.

Build frictionless workflows

Manual tasks only get you so far. And, at certain points, they can break. With Dext, you can customise workflows to find and fill information gaps for you. Assign tasks to deadlines and team members. Create templates and repeat flows, and schedule them to run as often as you need. Remove hurdles and let your team do their best work.

Boost efficiency with client insights

Clients demand more from you, which means accurate, complete data is a must. We give you in-depth insights so you know you’re working with the right data. Flag concerns with clients when something is missing or incorrect. And spot possible problem areas before it’s too late. It’s a level of clarity and accuracy that promotes productivity.

Grow your firm

Dext is on hand at every stage of your firm’s growth. From simple entry-level data capture, to advanced workflow automation and data insights, we help you scale when you need to. As you grow, our tools become even more powerful. 

Learn how firms just like yours save time and hassle with Dext

“Dext is very reliable. Having been pushed to go digital with tax returns we found Dext easy to replace the manual system we operated. ”

D J Gallagher, UK

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Over 700,000 businesses and 12,000 bookkeeping and accounting firms worldwide use Dext to make more time for the things they do best. Click below to find out more.