Introducing the Dext Certification Programme

Looking for ways to make your practice more productive and profitable? Get certified as a Dext product expert to show current and prospective clients how you’re best placed to help their businesses grow.

Get more from Dext

Dext Certification is applied across three tiers – Partner, Pioneer, and Pro. Your level is determined by how actively you use our core features to show that you’re getting the most out of Dext.

By moving up the tiers, collecting rewards and gaining badges, you’ll be making your firm stand out from the crowd.

5 reasons to get certified with Dext

  1. Discover new ways to make your firm more productive. 
  2. Get access to core training for your whole team. 
  3. Unlock certification badges to share and celebrate on social media.
  4. Get rewarded with Orange Select points each time you move up a level.
  5. Get access to the new £1.5 million package of support in the Dext Advisors programme.

What’s new

  • Three levels. Dext Partner, Dext Pioneer and Dext Pro. We’re keeping it simple.
  • A new dashboard in Orange Select. Now you can track your progress, find out how to progress to the next level, claim your rewards, and share your status – all from one place. 
  • A new way to calculate your firm’s status. Dext Certification measures a range of key metrics including: Active Client %, Digital Submissions %, Auto-Publish, Supplier Rules and additional features.
  • New opportunities to earn rewards and badges for your firm.

Why the new Dext Certification Programme?

We’ve expanded the capabilities of Dext Prepare (with Receipt Bank) over recent years. The new Certification Programme is designed to reflect that, and to reward you for becoming a product expert. If you were already progressing through the old certification programme, not to worry, your new status will reflect that.

Getting started

Becoming a Dext Partner is the first key milestone in the Certification Programme, designed to get you up and running with the software. You’ll be rewarded for achieving your initial Dext onboarding targets, which means getting your first 3 clients onboard and submitting.

More of your clients active in Dext Prepare

Clients benefit most from Dext when they’re active and regularly submitting their paperwork – allowing you to provide timely financial insights based on up-to-date data. And that means less chasing for you.

Digital submissions

Getting your clients using our digital submission methods (email-in, mobile app and Fetch) is key. It saves time for your clients (no lost or faded receipts) and means you can spend more time providing real-time financial insights.  

Here’s how it all comes together:

  • Your clients are taking pictures of their receipts, bank statements and invoices via the mobile app as soon as expenses are incurred or invoices received.
  • Invoice Fetch is set up to automatically collect your clients’ digital invoices from any supplier that bills via an online portal.
  • Clients are forwarding digital documents to their email-in address to be automatically extracted and added to the Costs Inbox.

Automatically and accurately sort, categorise and publish

We’ve built Dext Certification around 2 core features – Supplier Rules and Auto-Publish. 

These allow you to automatically set categories to auto-publish paperwork as soon as it’s submitted. With Prepare, you can set tax rates, currencies and categories for a supplier to avoid costly errors and save valuable time when processing predictable paperwork.

Discover new features

By being of the Dext Certification programme, you’ll be one of the first to hear about our latest product innovations. You’ll also get introduced to our whole range of current features (like Item Messaging) – helping you to fully optimise your firm.

Practice productivity tools 

When you become Dext Certified, you’ll be making use of the powerful optimisation tools within our products. From in-depth analysis into your bookkeeping process to reporting that helps grow your firm, engage your clients and align your team, Optimize gives you a complete view of your firm’s efficiency.

If you haven’t yet tried Optimize, speak to your Account Manager to start a free trial. Trialling Optimize is enough to hit the Dext Certification threshold with no obligation to buy. 

Get Dext Certified now! Log into Orange Select or register to see your current status and next steps.

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